Our Blog
Understanding Custom Indexing and its Tax Impact on Investing
Introduction Custom indexing, also known as direct indexing or separately managed accounts, is an investment strategy that involves purchasing the individual securities that make up an index, allowing investors to manage each holding separately. This personalized...
Balancing the Scales: The Conundrum of Using Products vs. Investing in Them
In a world where investment choices echo our ethical and moral stances, the concept of Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) has garnered significant attention. It urges investors to align their investment choices with biblical values, promoting a holistic approach...
Exploring the Principles of Biblically Responsible Investing
In recent years, an increasing number of investors have begun to align their financial portfolios with their values and beliefs. This movement has given rise to various forms of socially responsible and ethical investing, with one of the most notable being Biblically...

Retirement Calculators
Looking for tools to figure out your retirment? The Colquette Group can help. Book a free consultation today so we can help you achieve the retirment you’ve always dreamed of.

How to Plan for The Future No Matter How Old You Are
If you havent thought about your financial future there is no time like the present. Check out our services page and if you think we can help or evan if your not sure and have some questions, we’re always happy to offer a free discovery call to see if what we can do.